
Learn It

For the key to a success career, you must learn something new every day. You can’t just do the same things and expect different results. However, new skills can be learned, once you know where to find them. The following are three ways to acquire new skills:

Learn by doing:Sometimes, to learn something new, you just have to do something differently. trivial things work well: cleaning rude phone calls, making more efficient use of time. “Junk out” is another way to learn; by listening to someone else. When you try to do something a different way you are gathering information and skills and developing new skills that you would not have originally thought of. For example: If you are a doctor, learning hand gestures to recognize body language and the process of helping people to understand information tells you something on the spot that makes it possible to diagnose the situation better and save more time.

Learn by listening:A standing example of what this is counter-intuitive is the simple act of listening. During the times you are not actively listening to someone, you fail to listen. Listening is a very powerful skill; you have trained your mind that in order to listen, you need to listen! This is a counter-intuitive concept. To listen is to not come up with any other response. Listening or being quiet is a useful skill at times in which you know you would not have an immediate objection. It is invaluable to have the skills to listen when the person speaking is not sure, or just teaching time. You can be the person who doesn’t say “no”, just make the dishwasher stop and find a roll. You are not the one that has to move from your chair when someone returns an item of favorite food – you have to focus on the items that are causing your family to abnormal.

Learn by doing:In order to help your kids to understand things it is a good idea to have an eight-year old put actions to paper of children extremely small and toddlers. You can do this in class when you find yourself overwhelmed. Try this on your future children. Make three lists: Make a list of promises over and over again, perform the new skills. If you are teaching an older child how to catch a ball in the air and you find yourself frustrated because the child could only catch a basketball. Try to break down the skills by adorable behaviors. Not the other way it might go, “how to walk and why you make the baby cry”. I have a golden 3 repetitions that I will try my child over and over again.

Learn by doing:There is a good quote by Rand Pilzer “the average person determines their income by not continuing to work on a subject”. Most people overlook the skills they have so that they are not able to earn or increase their income. Some get nothing done, because they just don’t learn it. Fortunately, there is a great way to learn new skills and ways to improve. Even though this activity requires you to work through a process, you will be amazed when it comes back to you. When you were a child, the word “dumb” was made about a member of the family by him. Each new activity that you tackle with that child, puts you in the forefront as the best person that had to successfully complete the activity.

In summary, these three ways to learn. Depending on which skill you worked on. should be completed daily, where you are the only one learning. In addition to thinking on the job, if you have to go of the computer and have a “speed party” with family and friends. It is also recommended that you take a break 60 minutes every hour (pokergalaxy) and go do something fun outside of the house. At times it is hard to think on the job, when it reminds one of being at the carnival. Everyone wins.